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Saturday, October 10, 2015

Baca Nih ! Daftar Bidang Studi UKG 2015 Lengkap

Baca Nih ! Daftar Bidang Studi UKG 2015 Lengkap - Pelaksanaan UKG Tahun 2015 pada bulan November 2015, sesuai dengan amanat Undang-undang Nomor 14 Tahun 2005 tentang Guru dan Dosen dan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 74 Tahun 2008 tentang Guru bahwa guru wajib memiliki kualifikasi akademik, kompetensi, dan sertifikat pendidik. Untuk mengetahui tingkatan kompetensi guru, maka Direktorat Jenderal Guru dan Tenaga Pependidikan Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan akan melaksanakan UKG bagi seluruh guru.

Adapun pelaksanaan UKG sesuai dengan Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Nornor 57 Tahun 2012 tentang Uji Kompetensi Guru, bahwa guru mengikuti UKG sebagai syarat kenaikan pangkat, jabatan fungsional guru, pemetaan kompetensi dan sebagai dasar kegiatan pengembangan keprofesian guru berkelanjutan yang dilakukan secara periodik.

Beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan terkait pelaksanaan UKG 2015, bahwasanya:
1. Peningkatan kompetensi guru merupakan program sasaran prioritas dalam Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Nasional (RPJMN) Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan yang diukur melalui UKG.

2. Tujuan UKG adalah untuk;
a) pemetaan kompetensi guru khususnya ranah pedagogik dan profesional pada bidang atau bidang studi sesuai sertifikat pendidik atau bidang studi yang diampu;
b) alat kontrolpelaksanaan penilaian kinerja guru;
c) menentukan maten dan pola pelatihan guru;
d) bahan pertimbangan pemberian penghargaan dan apresiasi kepada guru.

3. Waktu pelaksanaan UKG pada bulan November 2015 dengan menggunakan sistem online dan offline.

4. Bidang studi yang akan diujikan sejumlah 199, daftar bidang studi UKG 2015 bisa anda download di tautan paling bawah postingan ini.

File surat dan daftar bidang studi UKG 2015 selengkapnya bisa anda download disini

DOWNLOAD (format file PDF, 6 halaman)

Sekian dan terimakasih

Kisi-kisi Uji Kompetensi Guru tahun 2015 Resmi

Kisi-kisi Uji Kompetensi Guru tahun 2015 Resmi - Jika anda ingin tes UKG, sebaiknya anda baca kisi kisinya terlebih dahulu. Karena dengan membaca kisi kisi tentunya anda akan lebih mudah dalam belajar soal nantinya. Kisi kisi ini bertujuan untuk memudahkan Bapak/Ibu guru dalam belajar soal UKG 2015 nanti.

Oktober ini web resmi Direktorat Jenderal Guru Dan Tenaga Kependidikan yang beralamat menyediakan kisi-kisi UKG tahun 2015, Berikut daftar Kisi-kisi Uji Kompetensi Guru tahun 2015 yang tersedia di

Kisi-kisi Uji Kompetensi Guru tahun 2015 Resmi :

  • Budidaya Rumput Laut.pdf
  • Teknik Inventarisasi dan Pemetaan Hutan.pdf
  • Geomatika-SMK.pdf
  • Budidaya Kekerangan.pdf
  • Geologi Pertambangan-SMK.pdf
  • Teknik Konstruksi Baja-SMK.pdf
  • Teknika Kapal Penangkap Ikan.pdf
  • Biologi-Bid.Keahian Agritek.pdf
  • Nautika Kapal Penangkap Ikan.pdf
  • Teknik Konstruksi Kayu-SMK.pdf
  • Teknik Pembangkit Tenaga Listrik - SMK.pdf
  • Teknologi Pengolahan hasil Pertanian.pdf
  • Teknik Pengolahan Minyak dan Gas-SMK.pdf
  • teknik furnitur-smk.pdf
  • Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi SMA.pdf
  • Teknik Transmisi Telekomunikasi.pdf
  • Kimia Analisis.pdf
  • SLB-AUTIS.pdf
  • Konservasi Sumber Daya Hutan.pdf
  • Penyuluhan Pertanian.pdf
  • Teknik Komputer dan Jaringan.pdf
  • Agribisnis Tanaman Pangan dan Hortikultura.pdf
  • Teknik Plambing dan Sanitasi-SMK.pdf
  • Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi SMK.pdf
  • Teknik Pendingin dan Tata Udara-SMK.pdf
  • Teknik Jaringan Akses.pdf
  • Teknik Gambar Bangunan-SMK.pdf
  • Fisika-Bid Keahlian Perikanan dan Kelautan.pdf
  • Kimia-Bid. Keahlian Perikanan dan Kelautan.pdf
  • Teknik Suitsing.pdf
  • Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi SMP.pdf
  • Teknik Konstruksi Batu Beton.pdf
  • Biologi-Bid.Keahlian Perikanan dan Kelautan.pdf
  • Nautika Kapal Niaga.pdf
  • Teknik Pemboran Minyak dan Gas.pdf
  • Multimedia.pdf
  • Agribisnis Tanaman Perkebunan.pdf
  • TK.pdf
  • Teknik Produksi dan Penyiaran Program Radio dan Pertelevisian.pdf
  • Kimia Industri.pdf
  • Agribisnis Aneka Ternak.pdf
  • Agribisnis Ternak Ruminansia.pdf
  • Pengawasan Mutu Hasil Pertanian dan Perikanan.pdf
  • Teknik Otomasi Industri-SMK.pdf
  • Teknik Jaringan-instalasi Tenaga Listrik-SMK.pdf
  • Budidaya Perikanan.pdf
  • Alat Mesin Pertanian.pdf
  • Teknik Produksi Minyak dan Gas-SMK.pdf
  • Teknologi Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan.pdf
  • Teknik Produksi Hasil Hutan.pdf
  • Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak.pdf
  • Agribisnis Perbenihan dan Kultur Jaringan Tanaman.pdf
  • Teknik Instalasi Pemanfaatan Tenaga Listrik.pdf
  • Teknik Tanah Air.pdf

Maaf Belum Bisa di download di situs resminya.. nanti saya update..terimaksaih

Sunday, October 4, 2015

A brief history of Petra Christian University

Establishment of the Preparatory Committee Planner University was formed on September 21, 1960, as a follow up of the idea to establish a university. This idea has sparked since 1956, and then blown back in 1960, after drg. Tjiauw Tan Yong and drg. Djien Gie Tan, met with Brig. Prof. Dr. Moestopo in Congress of Dentists Association in Bandung. Brig. Prof. Dr. Moestopo which has established Colleges in Jakarta, giving advice and suggested that as soon as possible establish a Christian university in Surabaya.

With members drg. Tjiauw Tan Yong, Gouw Loe Liong, drg. Tan Gie Djien, Tjoa Siok Tjoen, Lie Ping Lioe, and Kwee Djien Kian, the committee is then tasked to prepare everything for the establishment of Christian Higher Education (PTK), both professors, campus, lectures, and so on.

Initially, on September 28, 1961 was formed Directorium Affairs University (duu) consisting of drg. Tjiauw Tan Yong, Ir. O.F Patty, dr. Mesach Wigjohoesodo, Gouw Loe Liong, and J.A. Lemongrass, which served to continue the growth of the Faculty of Literature Department of English. In addition, also took care of the financial duu Petra Christian University. In the process, the task duu getting heavier, so that later, on July 18, 1964, established the Committee Founder Foundation Affairs of the University, consisting of Jacob Elfinus Sahetapy, SH, Dr. Tan Tjiauw Yong, Dr. Mesach Wigjohoesodo, Kho Hong Pie, Raden Mas Soekardjo Kertonadi and Piet Hein Saroinsong.

January 7, 1965, the Organizing Committee Foundation are appointed by and in the general meeting of the members of the first aid Petra, overlooking the Notary Mr. Oe Djie afternoon.

YPTK formation marks the beginning of independence Petra Petra Christian University, which has its staff the institution itself, which is legally separate from the first-aid Petra.

Along the way, an excellent synergy between the Foundation Board of Christian Higher Education (YPTK) Petra, the Board of Trustees, and Chairman of Petra Christian University.

All of them solely because love is so great against Petra Christian University, so that all parties involved are willing to work hard, hand in hand, to help each other in order to achieve a good development.
Supporting Church

Board of trustees formed, some time later equipped with first-aid Petra representatives, delegates from churches and Christian supporters. Since then YPTK Petra powered by 7 (seven) churches in Surabaya, namely:

    Indonesian Christian Church (GKI)
    Church Gereformeed Surabaya (GGS)
    Protestant Church in Western Indonesia (GPIB)
    East Java Christian Church (GKJW)
    Surabaya Center Pentecostal Church (GPPS)
    Bethel Full Gospel Church (GBIS)
    Batak Protestant (HKBP)

After church converted into a Gereformeed Surabaya Indonesia Christian Church in 1991, since then YPTK Petra powered by six (6) of the church in Surabaya. In the development of Petra YPTK Board is supported by the Board of Trustees. While the names of the officials of the Rector of Petra began early stand consecutively until now is

    Drg. Tjiauw Tan Yong (1962 - 1966)
    Lt. Col. (titular) Pdt. J.W. Pourawouw (1966)
    Prof. Dr. J.E. Sahetapy, SH, M.A. (1966 - 1969)
    Ir. O.F. Patty (1969 - 1984)
    Dr. Ir. Widoyo Totosucipto (1984 - 1988)
    Drs. Wasis Sastroredjo (1988 - 1997)
    Prof. Dr. Aris Pongtuluran, dr., MPH (1997 - 2001)
    Dr. Ir. Takim Andriono, M.E. (2001)
    Ir. Paul Nugraha, M. Eng., M.Sc. (2001 - 2009)
    Prof. Ir. Rolly Intan, M.A.Sc., Dr.Eng. (2009-present)

source :

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

This is the Faculty of Medicine at the University Favorite In Indonesia

Not only in Universities, Colleges at the Faculty of medicine also became a favorite faculty are much loved by new students. I wonder what the cause, the medical school from year to year is always flooded with enthusiasts. Neither the registrant SNMPTN, SBMPTN,  Exam Independent State. Although the medical school faculty belongs to the most expensive, but the quality of the students do not questionable alias already . Especially students of the Faculty of Medicine at the University Favorite Indonesia. Want to know more about 10 Favorite Faculty of Medicine at University Indonesia?

10. Faculty of Medicine (FK) Sriwijaya University (UNSRI)

Each year UNSRI provide seats for new students of the Faculty of Medicine (FK) as many as 54 seats being contested by nearly 3,000 participants each year.
According to the National Accreditation Board of Higher Education (BAN-PT), Faculty of Medicine (FK) Sriwijaya University (UNSRI) No. SK 237 / SK / BAN-PT / Ak-XVI / S / XI / 2013.

9. Faculty of Medicine (FK) University Yarsi
Have you heard Yarsi University? Sure University Yarsi less popular in Indonesia. But make no mistake Faculty of Medicine (FK) into the Yarsi University School of Medicine Favorite in 10 Universities in Indonesia. Faculty of Medicine (FK) University Yarsi accredited with No. SK 031 version of BAN-PT.

8. Faculty of Medicine (FK) Universitas Islam Sultan Agung Semarang
This may not be as famous university campuses in semarang country like UNDIP and UNNES. But make no mistake, Faculty of Medicine (FK) Universitas Islam Sultan Agung Semarang masu into the Faculty of Medicine Favorite in 10 Universities in Indonesia. Accreditation Faculty of Medicine (FK) Universitas Islam Sultan Agung Semarang very nice that get A version with NO BAN-PT. SK 031.

7. Faculty of Medicine (FK) Universitas Udayana (UNUD) Bali
Universsitas best in this paradise island is famous for great medical Faculty. No wonder over the years a lot of interest in the Faculty of Medicine (FK) Universitas Udayana (UNUD). Every year there are more than 3000 registrars who compete for 60 seats in the Faculty of Medicine (FK) UniversitasUdayana (UNUD). Accreditation Faculty of Medicine (FK) Universitas Udayana (Udayana University) got A vesi BAN-PT with No. SK 049.

6. Faculty of Medicine (FK) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) Malang
Quality of Faculty of Medicine (FK) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) Malang should not doubt bro, because it TOP BGT. Demand is very high around 3500 more annually, while the Faculty of Medicine (FK) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) Malang only provide as many as 30 seats (Horrified -, -). Faculty of Medicine (FK) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) Malang accredited with No. SK 003.

5. Faculty of Medicine (FK) Universitas Airlangga (Unair) Surabaya
Faculty of Medicine (FK) Universitas Airlangga (Unair) Surabaya accredited by BAN-PT with No. SK 024 are valid until August 10 2017.
Each year the Faculty of Medicine (FK) Universitas Airlangga (Unair) Surabaya always provide as many as 63 seats with flat-rat enthusiasts 2,500.

4. Faculty of Medicine (FK) Universitas Diponegoro (Diponegoro University) Semarang
Faculty of Medicine (FK) Universitas Diponegoro (Diponegoro University) Semarang is accredited with No. SK 032. Interest in the Faculty of Medicine (FK) Universitas Diponegoro (Diponegoro University) Semarang very much at all, as many as 3585 people to compete for 66 seats.

3. Faculty of Medicine (FK) Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) in Yogyakarta
Faculty of Medicine (FK) Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) in Yogyakarta accredited with No. SK 024 (Version BAN-PT). Faculty enthusiasts also very much that as many as 3719 people with mempeebutkan 60 seats.

2. Faculty of Medicine (FK) Universitas Padjadjaran (Unpad) Bandung
Faculty of Medicine (FK) Universitas Padjadjaran (Unpad) Bandung accredited with No. SK 032 applicable sampa October 18, 2017. The Faculty of Medicine (FK) Universitas Padjadjaran (Unpad) Bandung provides a seat quite a lot compared to other universities, as many as 100 seats with as many as 4,069 fans.

1. Faculty of Medicine (FK) Universitas Indonesia (UI) in Depok
Faculty of Medicine (FK) Universitas Indonesia (UI) accredited with No. SK 032. Interest in the Faculty of Medicine (FK) Universitas Indonesia (UI) in Depok goodly bit as much as 3057 people were fighting as many as 54 seats.

Thus Favorites Information Medical Faculty in Higher Education Indonesia that we wish to convey. This data is taken in Medical Education

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

100 Best University in Indonesia Latest 2015 Webometrics

In a world already so many universities that the quality of education was excellent, and one of which we know is Harvard University were able to give birth to great people in the world. How is it in Indonesia? Yes, of course, very many of them and the best quality as well as the faculty of law, majoring in pharmacy, or medical schools in Jakarta and other cities. It's just that we are still losing out to other countries, in particular the country close to our country, such as Singapore which has a university with the best quality in Southeast Asia today. In addition to schools, the university is a place of education quality should be improved significantly.View information on the results of the ranking of universities in both the Asian and world level, it is the existing campus in our country can be quite lagging behind other countries in the world. But that does not mean universities in Indonesia, especially in 2015 is not able to perform. Precisely, this is very much the achievements that can be achieved by the students of Indonesia, such as the gold medal contest robot creations international level, race science, international mathematics competitions. And the ranking list below to finally undergo a change, and the world rankings plus the existing campus in Indonesia has increased, for more details please refer to the rankings below.

RankRank DuniaNama UniversitasPresence RankImpact RankOpenness RankExcellence Rank
1781Universitas Gadjah Mada6494141582043
2819Institute of Technology Bandung7244944491901
3910University of Indonesia6508562601849
41442Airlangga University9849941063139
51519Brawijaya University6723833083963
61530Diponegoro University / Universitas Diponegoro67911953993047
71557Bogor Agricultural University69314394692906
81890Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember12472219393303
91917Universitas Padjadjaran136011733213838
102083Universitas Lampung233815201593963
112335Universitas Syiah Kuala1243347826912879
122348Universitas Pendikan Indonesia / Indonesia University of Education886659745489
132350Petra Christian University113335291743422
142373Universitas Sebelas Maret4897

152416Universitas Riau2914251112863481
162422Gunadarma University4098122784897
172564Hasanuddin University981304112543655
182630Institut Agama Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang15697308685489
192718Universitas Sriwijaya15542096424897
202822Yogyakarta State University92513453495489
212849Universitas Terbuka215882325605489
222867Universitas Udayana2280204518764568
232876Universitas Negeri Semarang66414235625489
242884Universitas Negeri Malang4842969604897
252975Universitas Islam Indonesia111317462075489
262986Universitas Sumatera Utara7503757984568
273003Ahmad Dahlan University3097242032234317
283020Universitas Mercu Buana240515773375489
293025Andalas University114731166464568
303048Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta1335134114645489
313101Indonesia University of Computer UNIKOM73620322935489
323311Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang2943770105489
333350Bina Nusantara BINUS University4373419525489
343405Universitas Bengkulu4386160323715489
353414Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya521342062554568
363448Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang205623119895489
373561Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta89735181215489
383659Universitas Narotama315427566905489
393675Universitas Jember60033557085489
403740Universitas Esa Unggul (Universitas Indonusa)287330835365489
413789Universitas Mahammadiyah Purwokerto4780158383525489
423885Universitas Trisakti969237665615489
434024Maranatha Christian University500550303754897
444030Informatics and Computer College Stmik Amikom2746345310905489
454086Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta1050377713385489
464154Universitas Islam Bandung2649336419985489
474160Universitas Jenderal Soedirman1084360522545489
484181Universitas Bakrie67891707112285489
494327Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara8712204370885489
504386Universitas Negeri Medan92756471765489
514547Widya Manadala Catholic University73221140015053139
524556STIKOM Surabaya2016439018915489
534620Telkom University94460322915489
544623Universitas Katolik Parahyangan4317

554692Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta293650358165489
564742Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo57652551116345489
574742Universitas Negeri Surabaya25726903185489
584782Institut Sains & Teknologi Akprind3076384852335489
594872Universitas Sam Ratulangi3988730826364568
605074Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer Jakarta450754569125489
615126Universitas Surabaya1393581218445489
625133Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung72893047103195489
635171Universitas Negeri Gorontalo2912565415635489
645335Universitas Negeri Makassar4726440758315489
655376Universitas Tadulako4582589075974897
665499Universitas Dian Nuswantoro2520641817005489
675551Universitas Nusa Cendana3893519044885489
685801Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa52993794137485489
695815Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha4206535755305489
705847Islamic University of Sultan Agung2773565161685489
715873Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana278875719895489
725962Duta Wacana Christian University5256631623315489
735983Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya497876535545489
746141Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta4966688019445489
756176Atma Jaya Yogyakarta University461276859725489
766269Institut Teknologi Nasional7790500675605489
776340Universitas Negeri Padang3145681746595489
786381Universitas PGRI Palembang7301586046595489
796439Universitas Sanata Dharma1101901012635489
806462Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim4219821611825489
816537Universitas Widyatama337291285365489
826727Universitas Tanjungpura10408360133434897
836814Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya4648660570635489
846847Politeknik Negeri Samarinda85704499142565489
856852STMIK MDP & STIE MDP4713806424725489
866883Muria Kudus University5418833016915489
876904Politeknik Negeri Pontianak8356606065805489
887200Universitas Negeri Jakarta38426518115735489
897574Universitas Trunojoyo5988838440955489
907713Universitas Mulawarman70548473128054897
917723Universitas Mataram67251052140954897
927740Universitas Pelita Harapan4456922134315489
937783Sekolah Tinggi Informatika dan Komputer Indonesia69006949104805489
947891Universitas Pancasakti Tegal4230816190785489
957896Universitas Jambi38821087364084897
968102Universitas Lancang Kuning62486995132945489
978187Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur45441051018305489
988357Institut Seni Indonesia / Indonesia Institute of the Arts34631064827945489
998483Universitas Muhammadiyah Luwuk Banggai53254783216805489
1008517ISI Denpasar5992949955845489
Update : Agustus 2015, versi Webometrics, Ranking Web of Universities. That list of 100 Best University in Indonesia Latest 2015 Webometrics. Ranked above will always be updated on a regular basis in order to give an accurate rank for rank position may be changed from time to time.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Mulawarman University

Brief History UNMUL

Mulawarman, abbreviated Unmul, is a public university in Samarinda, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. This university was established on September 27, 1962, so it is the oldest university in East Kalimantan. Mulawarman is a university with the largest number of students in Kalimantan, the number of students reached more than 37,000 people. Its main campus is located in Mount Kelua, while other campuses are at Jalan Pahlawan, Jalan Jalan Banggeris and Flores.


Mulawarman name taken from the name of the god king Nala Mulawarman Kutai Kingdom in the 4th century, the first kingdom in Indonesia in recorded history, which is located in East Kalimantan.

History Formation

East Kalimantan Province in the 1960s still berupakan area slightly uneven distribution of the population and even many isolated areas. From the city of Balikpapan to Samarinda city must be taken within one day by road and river. Many sons of East Kalimantan area of ​​higher education continue to be headed Banjarmasin, Makassar or towns in Java. That's why, over the wishes of the people of East Kalimantan, is planned establishment of universities in Samarinda. Governor Abdul Muis Hasan then asked the Regent Soebrata Yoeda Soebrata held a meeting with community leaders in New York City and then by the East Kalimantan Regional Government decision on June 7, 1962 established the College of Mulawarman in Samarinda.

Demi sustain the needs of funds, facilities, and equipment Mulawarman Universities, Higher Education Foundation also set Mulawarman led by Abdul Aziz Samad, accompanied by the secretary and treasurer E. Abdul Samad Dorinawati Samalo (Ny. Lo Beng Long). Then on June 28, 1962 is also set to hold a Higher Education Presidium Mulawarman with Secretary Drs. Achmad Dahlan and assisted Hussein Achutanair and Syahidin, BA as the organizer of the administration in coordination with the Minister of Higher Education and Science in Jakarta.

College Mulawarman then set as the University of East Kalimantan based on the decision of the Minister of Higher Education and Science Thoyib Hadiwidjaja on September 28, 1962. However, this name is returned into Mulawarman and confirmed officially by the President of the Republic of Indonesia Soekarno on April 23, 1963. September 27 1962 was then set as the date of the founding of Mulawarman.

Began on June 7, 1962, by Decree of the Governor of East Kalimantan No. 15 / PPK / KDH / 1962 founded a college which is located in London under the name College of Mulawarman, but the name of the college Mulawarman no longer used at the time of the request PTIP minister endorsement name changed to THE UNIVERSITY OF EAST KALIMANTAN (Unikat), by the Minister of Education and Science No. 130 of 1962 dated 28 September, set out on 27 September 1962 as the founding date Mulawarman. a year later by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia No. 65 dated 23 April 1963 changed its name to MULAWARMAN UNIVERSITY (UNMUL) until now.

Vision and Mission UNMUL


University international standards can play a role in nation building through education, research, and community service that relies on natural resources (as above) particularly humid tropical forests (tropical rain forest) and its environment.


    Produce quality human resources, personality and professional higher education through the organization of international standard;
    Produce quality research as well as empowering by promoting the principles of environmental sustainability;
    Carrying out service activities to the community and to produce works of science, technology, arts, and sports are meaningful and useful for the realization of the university management accountable and independently in accordance with national and international standards.


