Starting Hasanuddin University was clearly accustomed in 1956, in Makassar in 1947 has been accustomed which is a annex of the Adroitness of Economics Adroitness of Economics, University of Indonesia (UI) in Jakarta aloft approval from the Governor Lt Gen Netherlands Indies Government No. 127 anachronous July 23, 1947. Because of abiding ambiguity and anarchy in Makassar and its surrounding the faculty, led by Drs LA Enthoven (Director) was arctic and just reopened as branches of the UI Academy of Economics on October 7, 1953 beneath the administration of Prof. Drs. G.H.M. Riekerk. Adroitness of Economics, absolutely reside as a advertiser to the University of Hasanuddin already led the acting administrator Prof. Drs. Wolhoff and secretary of Drs. Muhammad baga of September 1, 1956 until the addition of the Hasanuddin University in September 10, 1956.
At the time of the stagnation of the Adroitness of Economics at the end of 1950, Nur creed, Prof. Drs. G.J. Wolhoff, Mr. Tjia Tjiang Kok, J.E. Tatengkeng and accompany adapt for the enactment of Clandestine Law Faculty. Hall gave bearing to their efforts Sawerigading of College Apprenticeship beneath the chairmanship of Prof.. Drs. G.J. Wolhoff still aggravating to apprehend the accompaniment universities through the enactment of the Accompaniment University of Combatants Board in March 1950. Road taken to apprehend the university was preceded by aperture the Adroitness of Law and Society Studies Adroitness of Law at the University annex of Indonesia (UI), which was formally accustomed on March 3, 1952 with the aboriginal administrator Prof. Mr. Djokosoetono aswell as Administrator of the Adroitness of Law University of Indonesia (UI). Top assurance based, aggressiveness and devotion, led by Prof. Adroitness of Law. Dr. Mr. C. Prof. de Heern and continued. Drs. G.H.M. Riekerk, aural a aeon of four years could abstracted himself from the University of Indonesia with the absolution of PP no. 23 year 1956 anachronous 10 September 1956.
Step businesses Sawerigading College Apprenticeship Center Foundation to authorize the Adroitness of Medicine embodied by the accomplishment of an acceding amid the parties with the Ministry Foundations PP and K bent in affair the Council of Ministers anachronous October 22, 1953. Based on these assessments of the Preparatory Board of Adroitness of Medicine was accustomed in Makassar, which is chaired by Shamsuddin Muhammad Rashid Mangawing Daeng Daeng Sirua as secretary and associates of JE Tatengkeng, Andi Sampara Daeng Patiwiri and Lili. On January 28th, 1956, Abbot of P and K Prof. Mr. R. Soewandi inaugurated the Medical Adroitness of Makassar, which afterwards angry into the Medical Adroitness of Hasanuddin University in band with the addition of Hasanuddin University on September 10, 1956.
Struggle and assurance of the humans of South Sulawesi to accord bearing to the son of a nation that accomplished the address of its success if the abbot of Apprenticeship and Culture of Indonesia issued Decree No. 88130th / S anachronous 8 September 1960 apropos the commencement of the Adroitness of Engineering, Hasanuddin University who chaired lr. J. Pongrekun and secretary lr. Ramli Cambari Saka by the three departments of Civil, accouterment and shipping. Formed in 1963 afterward the Department of Electronics and Engineering Adroitness of Architecture and complete as of the 4th faculty.
Precede the Apostolic Decree of PP and K anachronous December 3, 1960 No. 102248/UU/1960 apropos the enactment of the Adroitness of Letters, University of Hasanuddin, has happened "fusion" a few units B.1 Course Affairs of College Apprenticeship Foundation to the University of Hasanuddin Makassar. The Foundation, chaired by Shamsuddin Dg Mangawing associates cover Prof. G.J. This is a atom Wolhoff Sawerigading University led by Nur al-Din creed. Events of "fusion" Paedagogik B.1 Course Program, East Literature and Western Literature to UNHAS on November 2, 1959 it became the advertiser of Adroitness of Literature which was clearly formed in accordance PP and K apostolic decree anachronous 3 November 1960.
Following the "birth" of the Adroitness of Literature, was built-in of the Adroitness - the Adroitness of Social Politics 6 in accordance with the Decree of the Abbot of P & K anachronous January 30, 1961 No. A. 4692/U.U.41961, able from February 1, 1961. At the alpha of this academy is called Clandestine Colleges Tata Praja University Adroitness August 17, 1945, founded by Mr. Tjia Kok Tjiang who afterwards became arch of the adroitness afterwards penegeriannya accompanied by Mr. Sukamto as secretary. On November 15, 1962 Mr. Sukamto Abdullah was appointed as the Administrator and Amu became Secretary.
In the administration of Abbey A. Amiruddin based on the Decree of the Abbot of Apprenticeship and Culture No. 0266/Q/1977 anachronous July 16, 1977 Adroitness of Literature is chip into the Adroitness of Social and Cultural limu forth with the Adroitness of Political and Social Sciences Adroitness of Economics. The aforementioned affair happened on the Adroitness of Engineering and the Adroitness of Science, which is chip into the Adroitness of Science and Technology Adroitness of Law barring that is not "willing" to accommodate with the Adroitness of Science - Social Sciences Culture. Intermittent six years afterwards ie in 1983 was revoked by the affiliation of PP No. keluamya. 5 Year 1980 which was followed by the Presidential Decree No. 68 Year in 1982.
Through accord with Bogor Bogor and at the appeal of the Abbey Prof.. Arnold Mononutu Enactment of the Preparatory Board was formed consisting of the Adroitness of Agriculture, Prof.. Dr. A. Azis Ressang, Adroitness of Veterinary Medicine and lr IPB Fachrudin, abettor Akhli Adroitness of Agriculture, IPB. Prof. cooperation. Ressang et al with the Adroitness of Agriculture, University of Indonesia and led IPB PTIP RI SK Abbot Prof. Dr. lr. Toyib Hadiwidjaya anachronous August 17, 1962 and clearly became the Adroitness of Agriculture adroitness in ecology 7th Hasanuddin University.
Governor Andi Pangerang Petta Rani at their affair on March 11, 1963 appointed lr. Aminuddin Ressang as administrator of the sub - board accumulation of Adroitness of Science and Natural Science (FIPIA) clearly formed by the Abbot of PTIP buzzer anachronous August 8, 1963 No. 59 1 BM/PTIP/63 followed by Apostolic Decree No. 102 Year 1963 Date accustomed August 17, 1963.
The board formed in 1963 Founder of the Adroitness of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry in Makassar, which is chaired by a affiliate Shamsuddin Dg Mangawing Andi Pangerang Petta Rani, Drh. A. Dahlan and Andi Patiwiri. On October 10, 1963 stood Adroitness of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry (Veterinary and Animal Husbandry) private-status didekani by Drh. Achmad Dahlan with Administrator I, II, appropriately - anniversary Drh. Muh. Gaus Siregar and Andi Baso Ronda, B. Agr.Sc. Able on May 1, 1964 is the clandestine adroitness became the Adroitness of Animal Husbandry dinegerikan Hasanuddin University meialui Apostolic Decree No. PTIP. 37 11964 Date May 4, 1964.
Dental Apprenticeship was accustomed on January 23, 1969 as a aftereffect of cooperation amid the University of the Armed Forces - Navy as Admiral Mursalim best hasif Dg Mamanggun, SH , Abbey of Hasanuddin University Let.Kolonel Dr. M. Natsir Said, S.H. and Drg. Halima Dg Sikati and was called the Institute of Dentistry Yos Sudarso. In 1970 it clearly became the Department of the Institute of Dentistry, Hasanuddin University and afterwards became the Adroitness of Dentistry, Hasanuddin University in 1983.
School of Public Health (FKM) was accustomed on November 5, 1982 tangggal initially acquire acceptance who alum Diploma in Health and three years afterwards in 1987 FKM Unhas acquire top academy graduates. FKM is a adroitness that's 11 in Unhas environment.
As the ability of the development arrangement of Scientific Goods (PIP), which became a advertence acclimatization of college apprenticeship institutions in Indonesia, again in 1988 was clearly opened UNHAS Marine Science Studies affairs with the Director General of College No.19/Dikti/Kep/1988 SK, anachronous June 16, 1988 . In the beginning, because there is no able alembic affairs adroitness cachet and absolute catechize beneath the rector. Given the attributes of marine-oriented, this affairs is ultimately formed into the Adroitness of Marine Science and Fisheries with the Department of Fisheries accumulation into it based on the Decree of the Abbot of Apprenticeship and Culture No.036/0/1996, anachronous January 29, 1996.
Dies Natalis on the amount - 25, 17 September 1981 President Soeharto inaugurated Tamalanrea campus that was originally advised by Paddock Inc.., Massachustts, the U.S. and congenital by OD 205, the Netherlands in cooperation with PT. Sangkuriang Bandung on the acreage breadth of 220 hectares.
Since the arising of Apostolic Decree No. PP and K. 3369 / S Date 1 June 1, 1956 able from 1 September 1956 and by Regulation No. 23 On 8 September 1956, Official Gazette No. 39 Year 1956 which was clearly opened by Vice President Drs. Moh. Tangggal Hatta on 10 September 1956, UNHAS was led by a amount of Rector, namely:
1. Prof. Mr.A.G. Pringgodigdo 1956 - 1957
2. Prof. Mr. K.R.M.T. Djokomarsaid 1957 - 1960
3. Prof. Arnold Mononutu 1960 - 1965
4. Let. Kol. Dr. M. Natsir Said, S.H. 1965 - 1969
5. Prof. Dr. A. Hafid 1969 - 1973
6. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Amiruddin 1973 - 1982
7. Prof. Dr. A. Hasan Walinono 1982 - 1984
8. Prof. Dr. Ir. Fachruddin 1984 - 1989
9. Prof. Dr. Basri Hasanuddin, M.A 1989 - 1997
10. Prof. Central Library Radi A. Gany 1997 - 2006
11. Prof. Dr.dr. Idrus A. Paturusi, Sp.BO 2006 - Present
Source : http://www.unhas.ac.id