USU has 14 faculties/school viz. Medicine, Law, Agriculture, Engineering, Dentistry, Economics, Letters, Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Social Sciences and Political Science, Public Health, Pharmacy, Psychology, Nursing and Postgraduate. It offers 135 programmes consist of 19 doctoral, 32 masters, 18 medical specialists, 5 professional programmes, 46 undergraduates, and 15 diploma degrees. There are currently 33.000 registered students, where 1000 of them are overseas students.

University at a Glance
At the beginning of its establishment, USU was prepared to be a center of higher education in Western parts of Indonesia. When established in 1952, USU was a Foundation, changes its status into a public university in 1957, and then become a legal entity in 2003.
USU has vision to become University for Industry (UfI) and missions viz. (1) preparing students to become morally society's members with academic and/or professional and/or vocational capability to apply, develop, and enrich science, technology and art; (2) developing and disseminating science, technology, and art, particularly on industrial based cooperation, as well as developing its applications to improve society's prosperity and enrich the national culture; (3) supporting democratic civil society development through the role of USU as an autonomy moral force to achieve strong capability in global competitive environment through managing professionally human resources, widening participation in learning, inspiring national demand for learning, and modernizing the supply of learning.
USU campus is located in Padang Bulan, 120 ha green and shady area situated in the center city of Medan. An academic zone, 90 ha widely accommodates almost the whole activities of learning and practical of students. The learning systems are supported by library facilities and more then 200 laboratories. The library provides various of learning resources both in print and electronic form. The university library is currently one of the best libraries in Indonesia. Padang Bulan campus is also supported by IT infrastructure to facilitate access to various information resources and knowledge to support learning processes and researches of students and lecturers.
The campus has also various facilities including dormitories, sports center, guest houses, cafeterias, shops, banks, and post office. Graduation and other academic ceremonies is held on Auditorium and Student Center hall. A teaching hospital will be built at the campus in 2008.
A new 300 ha campus is located in Kwala Bekala, 15 km distance from Padang Bulan is being developed, recently, is used to support various research and experiment in the field of agriculture, forestry, plantation, and farming. In the effort of developing itself as an outreach university, USU manage experimental estate 550 ha in Langkat. USU has also obtained permit to develop model forestry 10.000 ha in Mandailing Natal.
Competitive Advantage
Beginning by opening a school of medicine, USU put itself as an excellent university. Learning processes and researches involve 1.680 lecturers, 78% among them have postgraduate education background. Right now, USU has more than 103.000 alumnae which are scattered in the country. Some alumnae occupy various important positions in various sectors both public and private.
Programmes in the field of health, such as Medicine, Dentistry, and Pharmacy are currently prima donnas for overseas students especially from Malaysia. Programmes at Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences are leading in various activities on researches and community services. Ethnomusicology has uniqueness on ethnic music in Sumatra. Faculty of Law and Faculty of Social Sciences and Political Science involve in the developing of law and government administration. A water filter product - Ferro Filter - an invention of lecturer at Faculty of Engineering, in the process of patent, has been used widely in many regions of Sumatra.
Quality assurance systems, supported by high commitment of all line managers, are developing continually and become a main agenda of USU in the effort to prepare the best alumnae and research outcomes.
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