Monday, December 21, 2009

Petra Christian University

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Petra Christian University enactment should consistently be associated with Petra Christian Apprenticeship and Teaching Association or PPPK Petra. PPPK Petra is a Christian abutment accustomed on April 12th, 1951, with the purpose to accommodate apprenticeship from the akin of kindergarten to chief top schools.

The abstraction of establishing a university aiming to accord the befalling for its alumni to get college apprenticeship has existed back 1956.

On September 21st, 1960, the Lath of University Enactment Planning Preparation was formed, with the assignment to adapt all the aliment to authorize a university. The associates of the lath were: drg. Tan Tjiaw Yong, Gouw Loe Liong, drg. Tan Gie Djien, Tjoa Siok Tjoen, Lie Ping Lioe and Kwee Djien Kian. Afterwards, based on their work, on August 8th, 1961, the coordinators absitively to authorize Petra Christian University with the its aboriginal department, Faculty of Letters.

On September 22nd, 1961, the day of 10th ceremony PPPK Petra, the enactment of Petra Christian University was publicized. Several canicule later, on September 28th, 1961, the coordinators of PPPK Petra formed the Advisers of University Affairs, whose assignment was to administer the university, and briefly acted as Sponsor Lath members. The associates of the advisers were: drg. Tan Tjiaw Yong, Ir. O.F. Patty, dr. Mesakh Wignjohoesodo, Gouw Loe Liong and J.A. Sereh. A year later, on September 15th, 1962, the additional department: Civil Engineering was established.

Realizing the advance of the university, the coordinators amend the centralized adjustment of PPPK. On July 18th, 1964, a commitee for the enactment of Petra Christian University Foundation was set up, and the associates of the lath were: J.E. Sahetapy SH, drg. Tan Tjiaw Yong, dr. M. Wignjohoesodo, Kho Hong Pie, R.M.S. Kertonadi and P.H. Saroinsong. The enactment abstraction of Petra Christian University Foundation (YPTK Petra) was accustomed on October 22nd, 1964, and it was accurately constituted on January 7th, 1965.

The aboriginal Lath Associates of PCU Foundation

President Letkol. (Tituler) J.W. Pourawouw

Vice President drg. Tan Tjiaw Yong (ex Officio Petra Christian University Rector)

Secretary drg. Tan Gie Djien

Treasurer Ir. Tan Som Yan

Members dr. Mesakh Wignjohoesodo

Ir. Tan Hoei Bo

Chairmen of YPTK Petra Lath Members

1. Letkol. Pdt. J.W. Porawouw (1965-1966)

2. drg. Tan Tjiauw Yong (1967-1969)

3. T.D. Oekardinata (1969-1985)

4. Drs . Ec . Budi Setiawan (1985-1986)

5. Prof. Dr. J.E. Sahetapy, S.H. (1986-1990)

6. Prof. Dr. J.E. Sahetapy, S.H. (1990-1994)

7. Prof. Dr. J.E. Sahetapy, S.H. (1994-1999)

8. Prof. Dr. J.E. Sahetapy, S.H. (1999-2003)

9. Prof. Dr. J.E. Sahetapy, S.H. (2004-2008)

Supporting Churches

The coordinators of this foundation aggregate of assembly from PPPK Petra, the assembly from acknowledging churches, and some ascendant Christian figures.

Since 1965, YPTK Petra has the abutment of 7 abbey denominations in Surabaya:

1. Gereja Bethel Injil sepenuh (GBIS)

2. Gereja Gereformeerd Surabaya (GGS)

3. Gereja Kristen Indonesia (GKI)

4. Gereja Kristen Jawi Wetan (GKJW)

5. Gereja Pantekosta Pusat Surabaya (GPPS)

6. Gereja Protestan di Indonesia bagian Barat (GPIB)

7. Huria Kristen Batak Protestan (HKBP)

In 1991, Gereja Gereformeerd Surabaya was called to be Gereja Kristen Indonesia; therefore, back then, YPTK Petra has the abutment of 6 churches in Surabaya.

In operation, the lath associates are accurate by sponsor boards.

PCU Rectors

Moreover, the names of Petra Christian University rectors from the alpha of its enactment until at present are:

1. drg. Tan Tjiaw Yong (1961 - 1966)

2. Ds. J.W. Pourawouw (1966 - 1969)

3. Prof. Dr. J.E. Sahetapy, S.H., M.A. (1969)

4. Ir. O.F. Patty (1969 - 1984)

5. Dr. Ir. Widoyo (1984 - 1988)

6. Drs. Wasis (1988 - 1997)

7. Prof. Dr. Aris Pongtuluran, dr., MPH (1997 - 31 May 2001)

8. Ir. Paulus Nugraha, M.Eng., M.Sc. (2001 - 2009)

The enactment of the departments and abstraction programs

English Department

Accustomed on September 22nd, 1961, beneath the name: Faculty of Letters - English Department

Chinese Department

Accustomed in 2001

Civil Engineering

Accustomed on 15th September 1962


Accustomed on 6th February 1967 beneath the name: Architecture Department

Electrical Engineering

Accustomed on 30th April 1982

Mechanical Engineering

Accustomed on 30th April 1982

Industrial Engineering

Accustomed on 1st June 1992

Information Technology (Informatics)

Accustomed on 25th May 1998


Accustomed on 30th April 1982, beneath the name: Fakultas Tata Niaga. Along with its expansions, this affairs had accustomed bearing to added majors

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