Friday, January 1, 2010

Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB)

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Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) is one of the leading universities in Indonesia. IPB has three main tasks of the tri dharma college such as education, research and community service. IPB Library was established to support the implementation of the tri dharma. In exercising these functions IPB Perpustakaaan attempt to collect, process, and disseminate information, especially in the field of science and technology. In addition IPB Library seeks to document the results of research in the field of science and technology, particularly agriculture, especially the results of IPB faculty research and graduate theses and dissertations IPB graduate.
IPB library building occupies an area of 10,000 square meters. But 40% of the building currently used by other units such as Joint Secretary level preparation, the Secretariat General Basis of Subject (MKDU), Cyber Students. In addition to the Library "center" are also libraries of faculties, departments and units within the IPB. The total area of the library faculty of approximately 700 square meters there.

Vision Library
Providing information services to the Bogor Institute of Agriculture and the community untukpengembangan science, technology and art.

Function Library

* Support the implementation of educational programs, research and community service
* Collect, process and disseminate the Bogor Institute of Agriculture publications
* Supporting the information network system in college at the national level in the field of science, technology and art
* The preservation of science and technology

Library Mission

* Supporting the mission's success, Bogor Agricultural University by providing the best service and encourage the civitas untukmemanfaatkan academic libraries
* Support the development of the academic community by providing information services in science and technology
* Develop a collection of science, technology and art to material information for the civitas academica Institut Pertanian Bogor
* Provide a collection and information science and technology for teaching and learning materials for the civitas academica Pertananian Bogor Institute
* Helping civitas academica Bogogr Institute of Agriculture in getting information not available in the library by IPB collaboration with other libraries both domestic and abroad.
* To care collection

Destination Library

IPB library organized by destination:

* Supporting the teaching and learning system for IPB academicians to produce high quality graduates
* Support the implementation of research for IPB academicians so that science and technology can develop well
* Conduct co-operation with external parties IPB in collecting, processing and dissemination of information science and technology
* Improving ways to access information both on-campus or off campus, even abroad
* Make use of the collection together with other libraries so that memperluar search and dissemination of information.

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