Tuesday, April 10, 2012

50 The best University in Indonesian 2012

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Here is a list of 50 best universities in Indonesia according to a survey Webometrics. In the survey, ranking universities by Webometrics puts excellence in electronic publications contained in the web domain of each college. To obtain these results, Webometrics using four indicators, namely: Size (S) or the number of pages of electronic publications contained in the college web domain; Visibility (V) or any other page that lists the number of domain URL colleges that were evaluated; Rich Files (RF) , the relevance of electronic sources in academic activities and college publications, and scholar (Sc) or the number of quality publications on higher education domain. Webometric to assess and rank every six months,
Based on the Webometrics Ranking of World assessments Universities into the Top 50 Universities in Indonesia which was released February 5, 2012 are as follows:
A. University of Gadjah Mada2. Bandung Institute of Technology3. University of Indonesia4. Ten November Institute of Technology5. Bogor Agricultural University6. Indonesia University of Education7. Eleven universities in March8. Gunadarma University9. Diponegoro University10. Sriwijaya University11. Petra Christian University12. Airlangga University13. Islamic University of Indonesia14. State University of Malang15. State University of Semarang16. Muhammadiyah University of Malang17. University of Mercu Buana18. University of Padjadjaran19. University of North Sumatra20. University of Hasanuddin University21. Electronic Engineering Polytechnic Institute of Surabaya22. Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta23. Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta24. Informatics and Computer College STMIK Amikom25. Yogyakarta State University26. Brawijaya University27. Unikom28. State Islamic University of Malang Maulana Malik Ibrahim29. Tarumanagara University (1)30. Udayana University31. Ahmad Dahlan University32. ISI Denpasar33. Universitas Surabaya34. University of Lampung35. School of Information Management and Computer Jakarta36. Indonesia Atma Jaya Catholic University37. Trisakti University38. Andalas University39. The Open University40. Maranatha Christian University41. State Islamic Institute Sunan Ampel42. University of Pancasila43. Dian University Nuswantoro44. University of Jember45. Institute of Science & Technology Akprind46. Discourse ambassador Christian University47. Veteran National Development University Yogyakarta48. Telkom Institute of Technology (School of Technology Telkom)49. Bina Nusantara University50. State University of Surabaya



