Monday, June 18, 2012

Unissula University

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Unissula Foundation was founded by Sultan Agung Endowments Board (YBWSA) on the 16th of Dhu al-Hijjah 1381 AH, coincided with the May 20, 1962 AD, has opened three faculties namely the Faculty of Islamic Religion, Faculty of Economics and Faculty of Natural Definitely. In the following year founded the Faculty of Medicine (October 10, 1963). Faculty of Law and Public Knowledge, and the Faculty of Engineering, then replace FIPIA opened the following year, along with a passion to improve their knowledge through the mastery of science and technology.

Now, Unissula has developed into a leading university with 12 faculties and 27 graduate programs (S1) and 5 graduate programs (S2) and Diploma 3 (D3)

As one of the leading Islamic University in Indonesia with over 50 years experience, Unissula has a strategic role for Indonesia and the Islamic world in particular. Thus, achievements in science and technology must be achieved as well as qualified human resources will continue to be created. Islamic higher education are quality oriented and universal equality through the implementation of Islamic academic culture.

 University Vision

As a leading Islamic University in building a generation khaira ummah, develop science and technology on the basis of value - the value of Islam and Islamic civilization to build a prosperous society is blessed by Allah in the framework of rahmatan lil a'lamin

Mission of the University

Islamic higher education in the context of mission-oriented Islamiyah and the quality of universal equality by:

    Reconstruct and develop science and technology (science) is based on Islamic values.
    Educate and develop human resources in all strata of Islamic education through a broad range of disciplines in order to build a generation of Khaira Ummah and clerical cadres taffaquh fiddin, with emphasis on moral glory, with kecendikiawanan quality and expertise of the highest standards, ready to carry out the duties and mission leadership race .
    Develop community services in building the civilization of Islam into a prosperous community is blessed by Allah in the framework of rahmatan lil'alamin.
    Develop ideas and activities so that the dynamic is always ready to make institutional improvements in accordance with the results of reconstruction and development of science and technology and community development.  

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