Monday, March 1, 2010

Indonesia University Of Education

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Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI), Indonesia University of Education, is one of the oldest universities in Indonesia. It was founded under the name of Perguruan Tinggi Pendidikan Guru (PTPG) or Teachers Education College in 1954. In 1963 the College was developed into Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (IKIP) Bandung or Bandung Institute of Teaching and Educational Sciences, which was later transformed into UPI in 1999. In 2004 a Government Regulation further transformed UPI from an ordinary state university into a State-Chartered University. This institutional transformation has enabled UPI to serve its functions under a corporate university management. The university was established to meet the needs for educating its people, which is deemed as an integral part of achieving the objectives of national independence. In its existence for more than fifty years, UPI has become more responsive to serving its functions as a prominent teachers. education institution.

Currently UPI has a School of Postgraduate Studies and six faculties which run undergraduate and diploma programs. Those six faculties are Faculty of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Social Studies Education, Faculty of Language and Arts Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Science Education, Faculty of Technology and Vocational Education, and Faculty of Physical and Health Education. UPI currently has about 22,700 students whose figure shows a 5% annual increase and employs 1,302 teaching staff, many of whom have gain international recognition, and 900 administrative staff. At its 52 years of age, it has produced 75,000 graduates. The alumni spread all over the country and work as educational professionals or policy makers in various government bodies.

UPI's main administrative building was known as Villa Isola, an inheritance of pre-World War II era. Built in 1933, the building was a base for the Indonesian fighters during the independence war. The Villa was then rebuilt and renamed Bumi Siliwangi, a grandiose historical building in its original architecture.

Vision and Missions

In the course of its development, UPI has become the only Indonesian university which consistently focuses on education. UPI's consistency has not made it rigid in responding to development and changes in sciences, technologies, arts, and social demands. In contrast, current global changes have provided it with opportunities to initiate and develop innovative education. With this characteristic and its overall resources, UPI is committed to setting up its vision to become a Leading and Outstanding University in educational sciences and subject matter pedagogies in Indonesia by 2010, and to be one of Asia's leading and outstanding universities by 2025. In addition, UPI consistently supports and facilitates the growth and development of other disciplines to play its pioneering and outstanding roles. This vision implies a commitment to making UPI a nationally or internationally respected and prestigious educational university which may inspire national education policies.

In line with the above vision, UPI has formulated the following missions.

  1. To develop educational programs to prepare educational professionals and other professional with global competitiveness.
  2. To develop educational theories and other innovative theories and their applications in order to make them a basis for national education p/liicies.
  3. To provide professional community services in order to participate in s/living educational, p/liitical, economic, social, and cultural problems.
  4. To promote international education programs which foster and strengthen national, regional, and international networking and partnership.
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